research for the movie

Just moved to Cincinnati to teach art, can't believe they pay me for this.

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Location: Cincinnati, OH, United States

I run the Art Foundations program here at DAAP in the University of Cincinnati

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

here are a few more shots of the installation over at the Meyers Gallery on the UC campus.

Maiza at the CAC came to the Gallery Talk. She didn't realize I wasn't doing a performance. Hell I don't even think she knew I made things that weren't performance based.

I sat before the whole crowd of students actually there supporting friends in a group show in the back room. I felt like a turd doing a gallery talk when all these students and parents actually just wanted to eat the food I forked out money for and look at their own work. But they listened and I got some great questions about humor, honesty, and why make personal work, or paintings when there is so much else that is going on in the world. I tried to explain that being funny and goofy is a defense against the forces outside of your control. That painting actually acts the same way. No one paints to cure cancer, they paint to not have to think about cancer and cure some micro problem on a dirty piece of fabric that holds that success in the fibers long after the strugle is forgoten.

But what I actually said when sitting in front of those students was, "I paint wookie mcnuggets and asteroids and spaceships taking medicine to a planet rulled by steve martin because I am so sick of looking at art, talking art to students, and trying to get students to be smarter every single day. I just want to enjoy my studio enough that I won't leave to go to a meeting, or a committtteee, or grade papers. If I keep giving to you kids the same way without ever getting something back just for me, I will find a baseball bat and smash out every single window in that stupid exploded baby shower of a building."

(My first version and my actual statements were not that poetic, there was a lot of Um's and So's, and of course I swore)


Blogger kate said...

pictures = great
answers to questions = great

love it!

7:59 PM  

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