Today is my last day of work, and my birthday. How amazingly smart of me to roll those two into one. I recieved goodbye and birthday cards in one, and food, because it is a big deal.
Last night after I finally fell asleep, I work up in shock thinking that I would miss my alarm this morning and miss my last day of work. Like I am that important here.
No one showed up for the tour today, and I escorted my new trainees around the building pointing out all the finner things that need to be shown to remain "on message."
Tonight I celebrate with my closest crew. The people here who I cry about when I think about leaving this city.
Who I wish to include to my party if I had a big one at my house.
The guy who works in the Indian Express Market who always calls me "Hollywood." He was a good friend and a good man.
The guy whom I walked down to Jail a few years back.
All of my teachers from every single class here that meant something to me. Sange, Seipel, Roth, Film History, etc.
All of the artists who will be showing in the new gallery I helped set up with Jerry Shapiro. (Please give that space a chance Richmond. He means really well!)
The lady who owns Halcion. She always remembers me.
The waitress at 821 who gives me a mug with my name on it.
All the grad students I graduated with.
I know there have to be more out there. I just can't think about who else.
Oh, All of the wonderful people I have met through knowing Julia. They have become my friends because they love me as they love her. (sorry I left you guys out until the end)
My Dad. I wish he had the ability to drive again, eat again, and talk to all my fiends about all the silly things I did as a kid. That would have been nice one more time.