Might solve my problem

big problem
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.
Gave up for a while on a project involving martyr's and remembering the dead. But today it hit me that maybe something was done through printing. This one is at the Library of Congress and I have to call them to find out dimensions. I hope my team goes for it cause it would seem quite accurate and could save us alot of energy building or making something that was not accurate in the least.
Horid lunch break at a Super Buffet Chinese Place where people were just stuffing themselves, and then I come back here to work and everyone from New York is eating salad. That's all they eat. The Craft Service rooms have bagels that are so yummy, but I found out today that they are low carb. Low Carb is like eating air, and I'm trying to save money by eating what's provided as much as I can, which means the lucky charm box in the craft room somehow ended up under my desk for snacking purposes.
lo-carb, fat-free, low calorie - these are fun.
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