peale polk

peale polk
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.
Charles Peale Polk's painting of his wife with a deer, amazing? Found this jem while on the San Fransico online exhibit page. I can't buy the book I need because I was told to not buy anything else. So there you go! I most likely will not get reembursed for what I purchased so far, but it was only 50 bucks or so, so I'm not sweating that either.
I'm having more fun now that my boss seems to think I am doing a good job. I just need more confidance, find more things out and answer the questions people have to a T. The thing is they don't take my word for it, like they do on reading rainbow... On my desk is a Hardee's big cup, and it is peeing down the desk, which is a fold up plastic table. Does anyone have a book on crop production in Colonial New England, and the seasons it happened in?
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