cooking show set up
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.
ALmost finished editing the cooking show from the other night. 6 hours in the studio and it still isn't finished. Funny how time works. In the office this afternoon getting really worked up about finding a way to photocopy my cookbook for the show. I haven't been told the password for the copy machine, but I also don't want to go in there with a stack of papers for my cookbook and try to do it right after they give me the code. I have to print out some important documents and ask them to help me figure out how to colate them , then an hour later I can go in and use it again for my own good.
I just realized that the three people from the Movie who were going to come to my opening will not be there now that they are back in their respective homes. It would have been nice to catch up with my old boss Jim. He and I finally bonded those last few days in the office and he seemed really excited to come see my performance. Couldn't sleep last night because of nerves, so I stayed up trying to write out the lecture. Found out that I really just want to talk about Irish mobility through America and how it mixed cooking techniques of french, west african, and english. Looking up another few stews while I have some free time today, just to have a comparison to the other mulligan stew I know.