research for the movie

Just moved to Cincinnati to teach art, can't believe they pay me for this.

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Location: Cincinnati, OH, United States

I run the Art Foundations program here at DAAP in the University of Cincinnati

Monday, September 05, 2005

Still on the hunt

Working in the computer lab today on my three Resumes I need to go out and find a job. I guess this happens to everyone starting out in the world. You have the crappy part time job resume which also has the good jobs you had and actually want to highlight. You need to Resume with all of the kitchen experience. The one with only important bussiness type experience, and then you need your art resume. Oh, and then there is the VITA which has awards, distinctions, professional experience, and a plethora of other things. I like my professional resume the best. It is only one page and full of good jobs. I like adding the HBO line at the top. That is a good eye catcher. I am waiting for the first call back for an interview.

"Yes I do quite well in a fast paced no-nonesense environment. I worked for HBO."

"Well my multitasking skills were really honed during my stint working on a Mini series for HBO. Tom Hanks doesn't let people slow down on the job!"

I guess I should shoot for the stars with the job hunt. Look for something that seems impossible. My graphic design skills aren't actually up to par enough to get a good graphics job. I don't have enough web design experience to get that either. I feel over qualified to just answer phones. I feel that I am in a middle ground between being a shue in for most jobs and totally ignored. And then there is the experience. Which I feel that I don't have enough of. But how do you get it? And how do you pretend you have it?

Options show coming up soon in DC and I have no clue what I am going to do for it. The opening is the 6th of october I think. I am actually not that worked up about it as I feel other people are. I should have picked up the paper yesterday to look for work. But aren't the good jobs not listed? I think it is time to send out an SOS to all my friends who have jobs and can put in the good word for me. As I said to Judith, "The Universe is a secret handshake."


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