Lye Leeching

Lye Leeching
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.
This morning I forgot to take a shower, and almost forgot to wake up but so glad I did in time to hear a StoryCorp story on NPR. What was your Proudest Moment? When did you feel most alive?
Just started noticing the way tube lights buzz and flicker, and I hope it stops once people show up. Iwant the art directors to get here soon. I hate hearing this place be quiet, feeling like a real work-place. They talk loud about the oddest things. Yesterday two of them were arguing about Homeless Relocation Programs. I had never heard of such a thing, but obviously there must be one somewhere. But if they are homeless, what home are you relocating them from.
Anyway, today I get to check out the blueprints for the Leeching box. This one looks a little low to the ground on the product side. I also found some leeching stones, circular flat rocks with a cut groove to pour out the lye through. Each one big enough to hold about a large UPS box of ashes on top. Witing for an email from the National Parks Service, reading TH Breen's "The Marketplace of Revolution." Not bad if you want to find out about consumer politics in colonial new england.
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