Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.
Everything I know about woodworking I learned through this man. He worked as master HouseMan at Williamsburg for quite some time and then started his own show. The funny thing is I always put him and the new yankey workshop together and thought they both were from somewhere way up above New York. Thinking that New York City is where the world ends and the Colonial people start.
He is supposed to be working on a few projects for the production (they hope) and I might just meet him. Funny how I am more excited about meeting someone on PBS than on HBO. Thought quite long and hard about buying the "Colonial House" DVD Set for my early birthday present for myself but at the last minute I realized that my birthday is only a month away and someone will get it for me.
All the wood here is cut with power tools and then they rough it up with chainsaws, strippers, and other rough sawed materials. I saw one guy outside shaving at the wood with a hand saw, and beside him someone had an ax to chunk out some timbers for something.
Lunch again was not that great, for about 20 minutes I was under the impression that I could get free lunch because I am a PA, but I am not a PA I am an A, just an A so no lunch unless I get a P. He he. My boss must trust me more because he gave me a big assignment to contact Wheat Producers. He heard me on the phone and said I could sell anything. I always hated calling, and still do hate calling people at work. Some phobia I learned when I was a kid.
Anyway, time to add to my netflick list and get back to work.
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